Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moons Over Miami

From Alan King's "Name-Dropping" (Scribner, 1996), we learn that the Ritzes' zany behavior was not limited to just the stage and screen:

"I also loved the Ritz Brothers.  The two older ones, Al and Jimmy, belonged to a club with my uncle Hymie, and they danced at my mother's wedding.  Not Harry, he was too young.  Harry was the little guy in the middle, who rolled his eyes, and I think he was the funniest man who ever lived.  When the brothers were working in Miami, they'd stay in the penthouse at the Lord Tarleton Hotel, and every morning, the three of them would get up, walk out onto their balcony, and moon the public.  They'd stand there with their asses hanging over the edge, and everyone would say, 'the guy in the middle is the funny one.' "

Name-Dropping:  The Life and Lies of Alan King.  Alan King with Chris Chase.  Scribner 1996

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